If you want to win at search, you must make Google happy. The search engine drives the vast majority of website traffic to the vast majority of websites in North America. Looking for a Flower Shop – Google It. Want a new car – Google It. In fact, it has only been the last two-to-three years that Facebook’s #1 traffic source wasn’t Google, and I’m sure the same could be said for Amazon, Netflix, etc.
The Power of Google’s Algorithms
Google’s value for businesses big and small is beyond question. But the issue is that Google owns the game. They choose, through a series of complex algorithms that no one fully understands, what website should come up first when someone searches for anything.
So then why does Apple almost always come up first when I type in iPhone?
Because Apple owns that term.
The Key to SEO Success: Owning Your Search Term
When we’re searching for an iPhone we type in iPhone. And while this seems simplistic and a “yeah, and…” comment, it is the most profound truth of SEO – Apple wins SEO because the iPhone is a search term.
In contrast, most SMBs try to win on their service or product. They’re a Plumber or a Banker, or a Realtor, and they want to come up first for plumbing, financial management or homes for sale. And a few of them will (someone has to win), but the vast majority won’t. Sure, Google made it easier as they Geotarget searches, so when you type in “homes for sale” Google makes the educated assumption that you mean “homes for sale in your geographical location,” but still, only 10 websites can win that SEO war (first page of Google) and once someone has won, they are very hard to de-throne.

The Problem with Relying Solely on SEM
Most search strategists will say “ok, use Search Engine Marketing (SEM).” Aka, throw money at Google to get your website on the first page. And while I’m not here to argue against SEM, I think we’re selling ourselves short when that is our entire strategy to win at search.
In fact, your search strategy should only be part Google. Yes, follow the Periodic Table of SEO, and consider SEM. But making your business or product a search term should be the priority.
Creating Your Unique Search Term
In fact, your search strategy should only be part Google. Yes, follow the Periodic Table of SEO, and consider SEM. But making your business or product a search term should be the priority.
Make it so when people are looking for a new financial planner they type in your company name vs. “financial planner.” You’ll win 90%+ of the searches with your specific search term (can’t win them all), and more importantly, when people do find your website, they’re primed. They want to work with you. They are further down the decision path than someone who happens to land on your site through a generic phrase.
Let’s Win at Search Together
If you’re ready to make your business the go-to search term, reach out to our Marketing Consultants today. Let’s craft a strategy that gets your brand found and remembered!